高2022届级国际班举行“Poetry Reading”诗歌朗诵活动
[日期:2020-06-26] 来源:国际班  作者: [字体: ]


活动中,国际班21名同学全员参与依次上台介绍英文诗歌名称、出处和创作背景,并朗诵自选诗集或自创诗集同学们口语准确流畅,情感充沛,以其深厚的英语功底和各具特色的朗诵形式将诗歌独特的意境一一呈现出来。接着,同学们还一起跟着朗诵视频朗诵济慈的 “The Ode to the Nightingale” 《夜莺颂》,同学们沉醉在诗歌的海洋里模仿朗读者的语音语调以及感受情感的表达。集体朗诵结束后,同学们充分交流朗诵感受,沟通诗歌创作的灵感和情感。





1. The Song of Old Town of China 陈鸿晔


You think Beijing is bustling,

but do you know how many years ago it was called Peiping,

with thousands of prosperity.


You think Xian has a hubbub of voices,

but do you know how many years ago, it was called Changan.

Who made the promise?


You think Hangzhou is full of people,

but do you know how many years ago, it was called Linan.

The poems of the southern song dynasty were passed down from street to street.


You think Nanjing is a place where one is apt to get into trouble,

but do you know how many years ago, it was called Jinling?

Twelve gold hairpins fall among the water.


You think suzhou is old without new,

but do you know how many years ago, it was called Gusu?

Moon garden tang pak fu.


You think Shenyang is in a hurry,

but do you know how many years ago, it was called Shengjing.

The palace was buried in the snow.


You think Kaifeng is smog lifted,

but do you know how many years ago, it was called Bianjing.

Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival is on the page.


Ancient lane melancholy, a curtain of autumn rain.


2. Song of Four Seasons 杨亭彧


Lark is singing on the tree top.

Grass is rustling in the cool breeze.

Stream is tinkling down the narrow stone crevice.

Spring opens her eyes after a long time of hibernating



Scorching Sun is hanging in the sky.

Bloomed lotuses are interspersing on the leaves.

Honeybees are swarming back home after a day’s work.

Summer hides in the tree shield, immersing in the cicada chirp.



Defoliations pile up as little a fiery hill.

Wheatland unfolds on the massif, just like a golden wavy billow on the sea.

The branches are bent low with ripened fruits, with farmers giving a smile.

Autumn brings the happiness of the bumper harvest in a whole year.



Snowflakes are dancing in the air.

White flannelette blanket is paving on the roof and pine tree.

Squirrels holding their pine cones, start their hibernation in the hole.

Winter draws a perfect period to four seasons.


3. Song of Winter 杨文伊


In what a cold winter,

Holding the sofa, sleepy eyes, messy hair

I can only stubbornly fall into the sea

With hope, across the waves, looking for glimmers of light

The light between the fingers is so long, I wander alone

Mourn me, forget me, flee me.

Only around the end,

The air was never silent,

With nippy and poor noise of wind and rain.

Look for me, let me go, come near me.

Only desperate memories, sink to the bottom of the sea...

How can I leave?

Like a bird in the deep sea,

Which is covered by hard ice.

Alone in the,

Remember the hurt, fill the void, and escape from the present.

How I want to leave,

Follow the dream to fly to the future, even they are just some ridiculous expectations.

Thought about leaving as the birds cross the sea,

Keeping in flying to her paradise.

Don't have to,

Overcome the darkness, take the damage, really wake up.

However, I’m extremely cold in such a heartless winter without warmness.


4. Song of Summer 张雯雅


The stars could still be seen in the sky that summer

They are hung in the sky

One didn't hang steady

Fell down

The summer when you came like a miracle

I can only use the long regret to prove that it is not illusion


Said we were going bye bye in a minute

I am chill on the south side, caught feelings

When the leaves turn, no more favors

Nice to meet you, catch you later

It was a beautiful summer

Our story continues and don't forget to FIND ME forever


5. Song of Chongqing 蒋知洋


Hot pot and noodle bowls are gurgling with steam

The aroma of food is lingering in the alley

Sudden rain and ever-present fog make the city humid

Which is ambiguous sticky and crowded

The turbid water in the river blown by the refreshing wind

is suitable for hiding a secret

The sun sets behind the city

Turning into scene of debauchery



录入:陈苏 | 阅读:
